Meet Ryan

ADHD Dude Founder & Director

  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker
  • Certified School Social Worker
  • ADHD-Certified Clinical Services Provider
  • Father to a son with ADHD & learning differences
  • ADDitude Magazine Contributor
  • CHADD Contributor
  • ADHD Guys Podcast Co-Host

Ryan has completed at least 6 hours of training in the following approaches:

  • Nonviolent Resistance (Behavior)
  • Nurtured Heart Approach® (Behavior)
  • Training through Cognitive Connections, LLC (Executive Functioning)
  • Social Thinking® (Social Skills)
  • Parents as Friendship Coaches for Children with ADHD (Social Skills)
  • SPACE treatment (Anxiety)
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Youth
  • Treating Gaming Disorder Certificate
  • Tech Addiction & Digital Health Certificate

With the relatable approach that's become his signature, Ryan Wexelblatt engages the audience with content that connects, educates, and inspires.

Ryan's out-of-the-box approach to treating ADHD in children and adolescents has brought much-needed practicality to the ADHD field. Ryan takes otherwise stodgy academic content and conveys it in a highly engaging, actionable, and authentic way. There is no sugar-coating, no "academic speak. " It's been said about Ryan "You may not like what he has to say, but he'll always be real with you."

He offers practical solutions for the most common stressors families of kids with ADHD experience, including behavior at home, lagging executive function skills, difficulty making and keeping friends, and managing their emotions.

Ryan is passionate about making sure kids with ADHD and their parents know that ADHD is not a psychological disorder and shouldn't be treated as such. He is not reluctant to share what so many families of kids have experienced: that the mental health field's approach to ADHD is antiquated and pathologizing.

His enthusiasm and breadth of knowledge in the ADHD arena are why Ryan Wexelblatt is a sought-after guest on parenting, health & wellness, education, and ADHD-specific media outlets.

Ryan is a regular presenter at the International Conference on ADHD, and the ADHD Dude YouTube channel generates over 100,000 views each month. 

Originally from Philadelphia, Ryan and his son Austin live in Tucson, Arizona, with their Bergamasco sheepdog, Flora.

My Story

“I don't want to be here, and I feel uncomfortable,” my 11-year-old self thought while sitting in a therapist’s office designed to appeal to adult women but was in no way welcoming to an 11-year-old boy. The therapist added to my unease by probing too directly about my lack of friends at my new school. Despite her best intentions, we did not connect. She was not speaking in “boy talk,” I felt unwelcome in this environment. 

That experience, plus similar ones with other therapists during high school, eventually motivated me to become a different kind of therapist—one who thinks outside the box, helps kids feel relaxed and makes learning comfortable. 

Years later, I was looking for help with my son to improve his highly challenging behavior, executive functioning, and social skills. Most resources I found spoke in generalities and offered the same generic strategies I had seen many times and knew would never work. Well-meaning therapists get little training in ADHD (and neurodevelopmental differences), so I had to take the learning into my own hands. I intensified my professional focus on areas outside of mental health that truly impact ADHD. These include executive functioning, social skills, and parent behavior training.

I created ADHD Dude because I realized that most families of kids with ADHD were getting ineffective help, losing valuable time, and spending a lot of money with little results. We train parents to help their children build skills, improve behavior, and, most importantly — feel better about themselves.  

For families struggling with ADHD, there is practical help that is aligned with research data and the American Association of Pediatrics’ treatment recommendations. ADHD Dude is for families who need real help right now.

- Ryan

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Why you shouldn't say this phrase to your ADHD child

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