Effective Solutions For Parents Of Children With ADHD

ADHD Dude is for families who need real help, right now.

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Do you struggle with any of these common ADHD-related challenges with your child?

  • Therapy (counseling, play, occupational, etc.) were not effective
  • Prompt-dependence (Doesn't do things unless asked/reminded multiple times)
  • Will spend more time arguing about doing a task than the task will actually take
  • Is less independent than younger siblings or same-age peers
  • Gravitates towards younger children or adults rather than similar-age peers
  • Difficulty hearing "No" or not getting their way
  • Becomes argumentative or explosive when asked to get off video games/screen devices
  • Propensity to be highly inflexible
  • Enjoys being with peers but rarely gets invites for get togethers
  • Treats family members poorly when not getting their way, then is remorseful afterward
  • Struggles with understanding how they come across to peers
  • Can be highly argumentative or oppositional
  • Appears not to be able to get through daily routines independently
  • Difficulty with time management
  • Engages in learned helplessness or self-defeating comments so you'll "rescue" them from non-preferred tasks
  • Difficulty reading social cues
  • Propensity to be bossy or controlling with peers
  • Difficulty thinking ahead (future thinking skills)
  • Seems to do things without thinking
  • Tends to say "No" to anything new or unfamiliar
  • Often responds to questions with "I don't know"

You're not doing anything wrong; you haven't received practical help for your child with ADHD.

Most families are unintentionally misled as soon as their child receives an ADHD diagnosis because most professionals are unfamiliar with the evidence-based, recommended treatment recommendations for kids with ADHD. As a result, professionals often refer families to treatments (individual therapy, play therapy, social skills groups, etc) that have not proven to be effective in addressing ADHD-related challenges.

Many families spend a tremendous amount of time and money taking their children to various providers only to find that their child is not showing any improvement in their ADHD-related challenges.   This leaves many parents feeling guilty, confused, and like they are failing their child when, in reality, they are highly attentive parents; they just haven't received practical help. 

ADHD Dude is Real Help, Right Now

For families searching for help for their child, this is the help they have been seeking. The ADHD Dude approach is evidence-informed and aligned with the American Academy of Pediatrics ADHD treatment recommendations.

ADHD Dude provides Parent Training,
the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended treatment for children with ADHD.

Families like yours learn practical, effective strategies for parenting children with ADHD. 

Effective help at your convenience and a reasonable cost.

Thousands of families worldwide have successfully used these strategies to help their child with ADHD improve behavior, executive function skills, social skills, independence, and self-confidence.

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As Featured In

ADDitiude Magazine has published Ryan Wexelblatt
Children and Adults with ADHD has featured Ryan Wexelblatt
The On Boys Podcast has featured Ryan Wexelblatt
Doc 2 Dads has featured Ryan Wexelblatt
Ryan Wexeblatt has been seen on CNN

What's included in the ADHD Dude membership?

Your Membership includes:

  • Executive Function Crash Course for Parents (Executive Function Skills)
  • Scaffolding Better Behavior (Parent Behavior Training)
  • Socially Smarter (Social Skills Series)
  • Special Topics Courses like Creating Daily Expectations
  • Participate in live Office Hours where your questions are answered in real-time.
  • Downloadable PDFs that include a directory to find the courses that address specific problems, "cheat sheets with actionable strategies," and a glossary of terms used in the programs. 
  • The ability to schedule as-needed, 30-minute parent coaching appointments. (Additional fee applies.)

Learn about our most viewed courses.

 Click on the preview button below to begin watching now.

Executive Function Crash Course for Parents

Strategies to help your child improve foundational executive function skills and age-expected independence.
(These are not the typical strategies you've already tried.)

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Scaffolding Better Behavior 

The first Parent Behavior Training program specifically for parents of kids with ADHD.
(Parent Behavior Training is the evidence-based recommended treatment for kids with ADHD.) 



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Strategies to help your child improve their social executive function skills.
(These are the foundational skills frequently lagging in children with ADHD.)


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What Parents and Professionals Are Saying About ADHD Dude

"I have never encountered anyone who has explained ADHD as well as you have. My partner actually sat and listened to you and has agreed to watch more of your videos and agreed to change his methods that are not working, such as grounding and yelling. I am so grateful that I stumbled across you in ADDitude magazine!"

"I have been following you for a while now. I just have to say that your videos and classes have seriously saved our life with our 4th grader. You are clear and concise and give excellent advice that has really helped our family. I am so excited for your new things coming up. All such good stuff!"

"What I appreciate about you most is you tell exactly what needs to be done. I’ve learned so much over the years about WHY my son struggles but I feel no one can tell me what specifically I need to do in order to help him. You give very clear, tangible practices…I feel like I’ve been screaming for someone to just tell me what it is I need to do. Very, very excited about all of it."

"More than happy to invest in this program that has helped me personally more than anything else I’ve researched. Looking forward to my son being able to benefit even more as well. The past 3 months since I’ve discovered you (the hardest time of my life with our son), you have been a God-send. Thank you!!"

"We are really looking forward to this release; we recently started watching your videos, and after years of meeting with therapists, finally feel like we’ve found someone who resonates with us and our concerns about or son functioning in reality. Can’t wait to learn more!!"

"...We started down this ADHD path 7 years ago with our son and have spent countless dollars, time and frustration on all the treatments you mention do not work. Since implementing your recommendations we have seen positive growth in our son... I am also a Nurse Practitioner and have been spreading your info to any and all who will listen to me. Thank you for what you do!"

"Ryan, I just want you to know that I am a Community Paediatrician in the UK and I prescribe extensively for ADHD. I am also a mum to a boy with ADHD and I find your advice is spot on. I signpost my patients to your resources."

"Your webinar on language and executive function was so good. I’m such a tough customer (I don’t say that proudly-I’ve just seen so much crap in my years of teaching and parenting). You’re the real deal."

"I’ve been following your work for the past 2 years. Every time I learn something new and I’ve been a clinical social worker for 20 years."

"You might not always like what I have to say, but I will always be real with you"

I created ADHD Dude because I realized that most families of kids with ADHD were getting ineffective help, losing valuable time, and spending a lot of money with little result. ADHD Dude provides families with practical strategies to help their children build executive function skills, improve behavior and social skills, and, most importantly — feel confident and capable.

Ryan Wexelblatt, LCSW, ADHD-CCSP

Get Help Now
Ryan Wexelblatt, founder of ADHD Dude, is pictured with his son.

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